It's ti~~~me! :D I wrapped up a big project in December, and another last Monday. I have a combination of savings and confirmed near-future jobs to last me through the end of the year, and barring unforeseeable circumstances I am going to spend the better part of this year making Over the Surface book 1.
Right now I am working off of an approved outline and trying to finish the script. Writing doesn't come naturally to me yet, so I break it up with a lot of doodling and reading and listening to good writers talk about craft. On my ideal timeline, I was supposed to send off the first copy of the script by the end of 2011...! x_x
I hope to develop into a disciplined writer through practice.
One thing I'll have to decide pretty soon is which art tools I will use and what aesthetic I want to go for. Most of the comics I've picked off of my bookshelf for inspiration are Japanese and have thin line art and halftones. I'll play around with test pages after the script is done and see what works the best.
That's all for now. Wish me luck writing something great!